DNAP 705-785: DNAP Completion Courses


DNAP 600 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia I

This course is the first of a four-part sequence that begins with the basics of review as to what constitutes evidence-based practice and the components for the translation of scholarly information into practice.  At the culmination of these four courses each student will have completed a doctoral scholarly project and created an ePortfolio for their work throughout the program.

In this beginning course, the DNAP Completion Students will encounter opportunities to explore the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical foundations of nursing knowledge. Specific emphasis is placed on the research process and methods of identifying, conceptualizing, designing, implementing, evaluating, and translating evidenced-based research into practice. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are explored and analyzed. The learner will be introduced to PICOT statements and how the question of inquiry guides the research.

This course also provides an overview of statistical analysis methods most often reported in healthcare research literature. Topics include descriptive and inferential univariate and multivariate parametric and nonparametric data analyses. Emphasis is placed on: 1) integrating all aspects of the research process to enhance rigor and the quality of evidence; 2) the appropriate use and critical assumptions of statistical analysis methods, 3) reasoned interpretation of research results, and 4) the systematic critical analysis and evaluation of published research studies.


DNAP 620 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia II

This course is the second of a four-part sequence that began with the basics of review in the translation of evidence to practice.

In this second course, the DNAP Completion Students will review and explore the foundational concepts necessary for critically evaluating and synthesizing theoretical and empirical knowledge. Each student will select a concept of interest related to nurse anesthesia clinical practice, nurse anesthesia student education, or administration/management of nurse anesthesia practice. The learner will be re-introduced to PICOT statements and how the question of inquiry guides the research.  Students will then begin the process of selecting, analyzing, and synthesizing related theoretical and research literature. This course will provide the foundational knowledge and skills for the completion of the literature review and synthesis for the scholarly project.


DNAP 630 : Informatics, Education, Curriculum, Instruction, Evaluation: Application and Practice

This course is designed to facilitate expertise in the application of fundamental educational concepts of curriculum, instruction, and evaluation.  An underlying focus for the DNAP student includes applying these educational concepts to a subset population of their DNAP project.  These fundamental concepts will facilitate the DNAP student to become familiar with the educational concepts of a didactic or clinical educator in the nurse anesthesia program.  Course content includes the process of a needs assessment, curriculum development, instruction, and evaluation as well as reflection.

Students also are provided an overview of informatics, the transformation of data into information, knowledge, decisions, and actions to improve outcomes.  Topics include computer networks, information technology and systems, communications protocols, technology and data standards, information life-cycle, Internet, basic computer security including security management, management of IT services, interoperability, and their impact upon healthcare delivery and patient safety.  Students will locate and critically analyze online resources for their relevancy, accuracy, and usage of evidence-based information.  Policy and practice of healthcare informatics within ethical, regulatory, and legal frameworks are also examined.


DNAP 640 : Quality Improvement & Patient Safety

This course is designed to provide opportunities to analyze, synthesize, and apply knowledge of quality improvement and patient safety in anesthesia practice.  This course builds on behavioral, social, and organizational sciences.  It will explore the theoretical basis of human error, introduces a systems approach to error investigation and analysis, and integrates concepts of teamwork, crisis response management and monitoring systems in anesthesia practice.  Further, this course will closely examine a wide range of scholarly publications targeting the broad domain of patient safety.


DNAP 650 : Healthcare Policy, Business & Legal Issues

This course focuses on public policy issues and how they relate to the nurse anesthesia profession.  It will include an examination of the process of policy formation within the health care industry including origin, implementation, and analysis. The student will critically analyze a policy issue relating to their Capstone Phenomenon of Interest (if appropriate) using the policy review model of Equity, Efficiency, and Effectiveness (3 E’s). Students will be prepared to assume leadership and influence of health policy development and advocacy for the patient and profession.


DNAP 660 : Population Wellness & Health Promotion (Epidemiology)

Epidemiology focuses on the distribution and determinants of disease frequency in human populations.  This course prepares the DNAP student to use epidemiological strategies to examine patters of illness or injury in groups of people.  Concepts of health, risk, and disease causality are examined.  Implications for development of data based programs for disease/injury prevention and control as well as policy implications will be discussed.


DNAP 680 : Leadership and Ethics in Nurse Anesthesia Practice

This course is designed to examine foundational Christian ethical principles relative to biomedical care, and to appropriately utilize these in the healthcare arena. The course presents a broad overview of basic moral principles, while focusing in-depth on ethical foundations from a Biblical perspective. The course is introduced with a review of philosophical foundations of applied and professional ethics, including ethical decision making.  Students will engage in an in-depth study of how they can develop as successful organizational leaders. The strengths and weaknesses of various leadership approaches are compared.  Other course topics may include the Biblical teaching on leadership, economic and financial dimensions of leadership, systems thinking, and leading teams. Students are required to obtain hands-on leadership experience during the course as part of the course requirements.


DNAP 700 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia III

This course is the third of a four-part sequence that began with the basics of review in the translation of evidence to practice.

In this third course, the DNAP Completion Students will be assigned to a small group and the group will discover and participate in analyzing and critiquing clinical practice guidelines, identify a clinical problem, reviewing, analyzing, and synthesizing the literature, create recommendations for solving the clinical problem based on the evidence.  The culmination of this course will result in the group creating a poster of their findings and recommendations to present at the next TANA meeting.  This course provides the foundational knowledge and skills for the completion of the small group scholarly projects.


DNAP 705 : Quality Improvement & Patient Safety

This course is designed to provide opportunities to analyze, synthesize, and apply knowledge of quality improvement and patient safety in anesthesia practice. This course builds on behavioral, social, and organizational sciences.  It will explore the theoretical basis of human error, introduce a systems approach to error investigation and analysis, and integrates concepts of teamwork, crisis response management and monitoring systems in anesthesia practice.  Further, this course will closely examine a wide range of scholarly publications targeting the broad domain of patient safety.


DNAP 710 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia IV

This four-course sequence relates to components of the DNAP Completion Program scholarly project. The Evidence-Based Practice course sequence began with review of fundamental concepts and theories related to scholarly endeavors as well as provided an overview of statistical analysis methods most often reported in healthcare research literature.

Each student group will identify a salient, specific problem related to clinical nurse anesthesia practice; education of nurse anesthesia students, colleagues, patients/families, or the public about some specific aspect of anesthesia; or business administration/management of anesthesia practice. The student group will perform a research literature review; explicate the framework/model of the problem; critically analyze, integrate, and evaluate related research; and synthesize the body of knowledge. Specific recommendations will be made by the group for applications to evidence-based nurse anesthesia clinical practice, education, or business administration/management. The student group with guidance and supervision by their Faculty, both process and content, will create a proposal for a Nurse Anesthesia improvement project derived from the evidence. The student group will create a plan for a quality improvement project or will implement a project and critically analyze the outcome/findings. Additional research needed to expand understanding of the problem will be proposed.

The final outcome/product of a scholarly paper will be presented to the faculty and peers in a formal, scholarly, paper or poster or other approved platform. Additional dissemination of outcome/findings may include presentations at local, regional, or national nurse anesthesia conferences; and/or submission of a manuscript to an appropriate professional journal.


DNAP 715 : Informatics, Education, Curriculum, Instruction, Evaluation: Application and Practice

This course is designed to facilitate expertise in the application of fundamental educational concepts of curriculum, instruction, and evaluation. These fundamental concepts will facilitate the DNAP student to become familiar with the educational concepts of a didactic, simulation or clinical educator in the nurse anesthesia program as well as provide theory on methods to educate on topics related to nursing to both medical professionals and other populations using evidence-based techniques. The components of academia- teaching, scholarship, service, and faculty development, are explored and students are introduced to search engines and search strategies for scholarly works to guide the development of educational materials.

Further, this course introduces the field of informatics and describes its use in generating information whereby anesthesia practitioners conduct evidence-based nurse anesthesia investigation to inform practice. Topics include computers as electronic information-processing machines, information technology systems, and the Internet, use of artificial intelligence and computer security management. This course also includes the ethical, social and legal implications associated with all aspects of informatics. Students will be using information technology in completing their nurse anesthesia practice coursework and the completion of a scholarly project; therefore, this is a foundational course for completing both.


DNAP 725 : Healthcare Policy, Business & Legal Issues

This course is an exploration of policy, advocacy, and business principles relevant to the nurse anesthesia practice and profession. The course is designed to allow students to engage in an in-depth study of how they can further develop as professional leaders in nurse anesthesia practice. Course topics include public policy, economic and financial dimensions of leadership, regulation of practice, and legal aspects. Students will obtain hands-on nurse anesthesia business experience during the course by completion of a competitive request for proposal (RFP) response. The student will critically analyze a policy issue relating to their Capstone Phenomenon of Interest (if appropriate) using the policy review model of Equity, Efficiency, and Effectiveness (3 E's). Students will also be prepared to assume leadership roles within various care settings by the completion of personal leadership surveys and reflective discussions.  This course uses an online delivery system containing on-line lectures, coursework, and projects using a web-based learning management system - Brightspace.


DNAP 735 : Population Wellness & Health Promotion (Epidemiology)

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations, and the application of this study to control of health problems. This course prepares the DNAP student to use epidemiological strategies to examine patterns of illness or injury in groups of people. This course is designed to provide opportunities for discussing most common approaches used in epidemiology and examples of applications of epidemiology to human population, disease transmissions, disease surveillance to measure morbidity, and the use of mortality data in investigations relating public health and clinical practice. In this course the quality of diagnostic and screening tests will be assessed.

Further, this course will present ways to describe the natural history of disease in quantitative terms which is essential for assessing the severity of an illness and evaluating prognoses. The roles of genetic and environmental factors in disease causation will be identified. In conclusion, the relevance of epidemiology for anesthesia providers will be examined. This course consists of on-line lectures, coursework, and projects using a web-based system.


DNAP 745 : Leadership and Ethics in Nurse Anesthesia Practice

This course is designed to apply a Christian worldview to the examination of ethical and leadership principles relative to nurse anesthesia practice, and to appropriately utilize these in the healthcare arena. The ethics portion is introduced with a review of philosophical foundations of applied and professional ethics, including ethical decision-making. The course presents a broad overview of basic moral principles important to all advanced practice nursing specialties, while focusing in-depth on ethical practice issues in nurse anesthesia. Students will engage in an in-depth study of how they can develop as successful organizational leaders. The strengths and weaknesses of various leadership approaches are compared. Other course topics may include the Biblical teaching on leadership, economic and financial dimensions of leadership, systems thinking, and leading teams. Students are required to obtain hands-on leadership experience during the course as part of the course requirements.


DNAP 755 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia I

This course is the first of a four-part sequence that begins with the basics of review as to what constitutes evidence-based practice and the components for the translation of scholarly information into practice.  At the culmination of these four courses each student will have completed a doctoral scholarly project and created an ePortfolio for their work throughout the program.

In this beginning course, the DNAP Completion Students will encounter opportunities to explore the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical foundations of nursing knowledge. Specific emphasis is placed on the research process and methods of identifying, conceptualizing, designing, implementing, evaluating, and translating evidenced-based research into practice. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are explored and analyzed. This course also provides an overview of statistical analysis methods most often reported in healthcare research literature. Tools used the evaluate the quality of research and literature will be reviewed and articles will be appraised for quality throughout the course.

Students will also select a concept of interest related to nurse anesthesia clinical practice, nurse anesthesia student education, or administration/management of nurse anesthesia practice. The learner will be introduced to PICOT statements and how the question of inquiry guides the search for literature on their project topic. Databases and strategies to gather evidence will be reviewed in this course.


DNAP 765 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia II

This course is the second of a four-part sequence that begins with the basics of review as to what constitutes evidence-based practice and the components for the translation of scholarly information into practice.  At the culmination of these four courses each student will have completed a doctoral scholarly project and created an ePortfolio for their work throughout the program.

 In this second course, the students will review and explore the foundational concepts necessary for critically evaluating and synthesizing theoretical and empirical knowledge. The learner will be re-introduced to PICOT statements and how the question of inquiry guides the research.

Students will select, analyze, and synthesize related theoretical and research literature. This course provides the foundational knowledge and skills to complete a literature review and synthesis for the scholarly project. Students will review the synthesized evidence and create a proposal for their scholarly project. Each student will take on a leadership role in the process. The proposal will include a plan for implementation, plan for evaluation and plan for dissemination of the project. Students will complete the Ethical Committee Review Committee forms.


DNAP 775 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia III

This course is the third of a four-part sequence that began with a review of the components for the translation of scholarly information into practice. This course provides the student with mentored opportunities to develop and implement the scholarly project. At the culmination of these four courses each student will have completed a doctoral scholarly project and created an ePortfolio for their work throughout the program.

In this third course, the students will participate in analyzing and critiquing clinical practice guidelines, and continue to review, analyze, and synthesize the literature to create recommendations for practice based on the evidence. The students will create a work plan and implement their projects based on ECRC approval as well as evaluate the project during this semester. Each student will take a leadership role in the process. The culmination of this course will result in the group creating a poster of their findings and recommendations to present at a professional conference.


DNAP 785 : Evidenced-Based Practice in Nurse Anesthesia IV

This fourth of a 4-part course series provides students with mentored opportunities to evaluate and disseminate the scholarly project addressing an area of focus identified in practice within specific populations. This four-course sequence relates to components of the DNAP Completion Program scholarly project. Throughout these courses, students will establish the expanded Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice role focusing on advancing clinical practice, clinical education, health policy, or systems administration. Each course in the series has expanded the knowledge and practice expertise of the student, culminating in the completion of a publishable academic manuscript.

The focus of this course is on the evaluation and dissemination of the Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Scholarly Project through digital and spoken mediums. The students will present their work to the academic community and choose an organization that would benefit from the information to present to.  Upon approval the final product of a scholarly paper will be submitted to the faculty in addition to a formal presentation and poster or other approved platform. Additional dissemination of outcome/findings include presentations at local, regional, or national nurse anesthesia conferences; and submission of a manuscript to an appropriate professional journal.
