​​​​​​​Academic Standards

Advancement of each DNAP Completion program student to the next higher level or semester occurs at per semester intervals, upon faculty members’ verification of the student’s successful completion of each semester’s course requirements. In order to progress unencumbered to the next higher level or semester, the student must meet the following conditions:

  • All DNAP level coursework must result in a minimum earned grade of “B” (80% or above).
  • Students will automatically be dismissed from the program and referred to the MTSA Progressions Committee for receiving a failing course grade for any course. Failing is defined as any grade below 80%. 
  • Students who are placed on any type of probation, other than grade-related, greater than one (1) time will be dismissed from the program.
  • Students have the right to appeal decisions of the Progressions Committee by following the MTSA appeal process.
  • Each student is carefully evaluated for academic achievement on a regular and continuing basis. Academic grades are published per semester on the academic transcript. Students shall be advised by their DNAP Program Administrator/Advisor concerning their academic progress at least each semester.
  • Each student will have access to their unofficial MTSA Transcript at any time, via the student portal, reflecting academic progress, with current and cumulative GPAs.
  • Students must keep a current RN license and APN/APRN (as applicable) license for the state in which they reside on file with MTSA during the entire program. The student must also possess a current RN license for any other state in which he chooses to participate in educational experiences related to the DNAP program, such as the Scholarly project.
  • During NAP Council meetings, general observations about DNAP Completion Degree students are discussed. Recommendations by the committee are given to the Program Administrator.
  • The Progressions Committee makes the final decision of official action based on student's performance.
  • The student will be offered the opportunity to discuss his performance with the Progressions Committee, prior to any decision.